Look at Lois!

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Leaving Lois has a new look!

Modern and clean, functional and trippy. Leaving Lois is more than just a blog. It's a diary. It's a place for photos (of the girls happy or sad ;)) It's a forum for Lois to get outside herself and share some crazy wacky thoughts that could only come from someone who lives with Bob!

And here's the thing...if any of you guys want your own blog zone (don't need a domain name to do this...though Lois and Barb will be much cooler than you guys!), let me know and I'd be happy to set you up.

That is all. Have fun.

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Trish is truly the master of the web! Not only is she exceptionally talented but she is very generous and enjoys sharing her gift with those of us that are technically challenged. I owe all my future successes to this wonderfully gracious and humble human being that I proudly call "friend".

Thank you and have a wonderful day!


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Trish Thornton published on July 28, 2003 12:32 PM.

Toronto Alley: the Day After was the previous entry in this blog.

Keep on Rockin' is the next entry in this blog.

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