March 2005 Archives

Okay, not a heron...

...I think it was a wild turkey. I only saw it briefly the other day. But today, when I looked out onto the lake, I saw some bird walking across it. I got my binoculars and saw that it was a turkey!


Yup, just strolling right across the lake! I know it's hard to see, but I tried to take pics to show you how silly it is!


I took a couple of little Quicktime videos too just to show how fast he motored across the lake...but I'll show 'em to you in person cuz they're small yet huge (file size!)

(By the way, Barb added comments to the Abbey Road entry, so make sure you take a look...)


I saw a heron and a robin today! Sorry, I have no pictures. But it MUST be spring...finally!

That is all.

Abbey Road. Is this them?


Well, I wish they held a sign or something. Here's the gang. I think.


Is this Chris?


Is this Andrew goofing?


Then they took a walk...


Without the traffic...


If it's not them, well, someone just got their pics on Thorntonpages walking across Abbey Road.

Snow mist

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On Saturday morning, I woke up to a winter fog over the lake:

Winter Morning Mist

Which made the trees look like beautiful icicles...really lovely. Even the chickadees enjoyed the crispy white trees:


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