I took a picture of the leaves across the lake every morning for a couple of weeks:
If you click on this picture, you can see it bigger and scroll left right, right left, left right, right left to see the daily changes.
Nice... but I'll bet it looked better in person! Are you still taking the pictures? You could get the first snowflake, etc.!
Yes, but this morning there was fog...I may have to wait til it clears!
Please, no talk of snow.
This page contains a single entry by Trish Thornton published on October 12, 2005 9:14 AM.
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Pics from Mum and Dad's trip is the next entry in this blog.
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Nice... but I'll bet it looked better in person! Are you still taking the pictures? You could get the first snowflake, etc.!
Yes, but this morning there was fog...I may have to wait til it clears!
Please, no talk of snow.