February 2006 Archives

Beautiful snowshoeing weekend

Howard took some awesome pics when we were snowshoeing this weekend. We went on the marsh in behind my cottage:

Green grow the rushes...?

tree shadow


Orangeville snow

Here are some pictures that Kathy took after that crazy snowstorm in Orangeville last week. Howard will upload some more I'm sure.



Maybe rain was better after all

Shovelled a ton of snow to clear paths to wood and propane tank in the backyard:


And of course did the deck:


which left a pile of heavy snow almost as high as that tree in front of my cottage!


At least I didn't have to shovel rain!

Overnight Snow

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This was early this morning...

snow at dawn

Then some scenes in my backyard...

heavy snow on tree

snow on the wood pile

Louis so much wanted to go out...

louis the brave

louis in deep snow

...but decided to watch the birds and squirrels from inside:

louis watching birds.jpg

louis at the ready

And now I better start shovelling!

Liz's Brownies

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Stir together
3 eggs
3/4 cup melted butter
1 tsp. vanilla
Mix well and add to above
11/4 cp flour
3/4 cup cocoa
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
Bake in9x13 pan for 25 min. You can sift icing sugar on it when it'e baked. Nuts and chocolate chips are optional.


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