What the heck is Howie laughing at?
Barb and Kelly:
What the heck is Howie laughing at?
Barb and Kelly:
Hannah gives Jason a special gift:
Which turns out to be...
This sort of goes along with the previous photo. Pig in the background and I think the remains of the pontoons in the far back?
This is one weird picture! Found it when looking through a bunch of old stuff. Chris looks like a chubby kid with a mullet! Not like now that's for sure! Heh heh!
Look at all the tv antenna towers!
These are hysterical! Look at Danny Williams' pants!
Brad and Janet...er..Kathy!
Ham of a different sort!
It's not what he's doing. It's what he looks like.
Although when it's Andrew, it's not really that embarrassing!
Well, no one seems to be doing anything to this website, so I'll give it a try. I made a new category called "Embarrassing Pictures". In here, we shall put up embarrassing pictures of each other, because I know I'm not the only one who has them! Yes, I know this is quite frightening, but funny nonetheless. So lets see 'em! I'll get us started if I can figure out how exactly to do so. Please add more!!!!
So here's the first of what I hope to be many embarrassing pictures.
Trish playing her bass guitar.