Recently in general post Category

REM review


Last night, REM performed at the Hummingbird Centre. Rather posh for a rock act, but we're getting old, so what the hey!

First comes the warm up act, Joseph Arthur, or something. Kid comes out with a guitar, then the weirdness starts. I'm figuring he's a Neil fan - guitar, harmonica, and a microphone that does weird things to his voice (adds harmony - I'm thinking, "That could come in handy for the choir!"). Then he starts stepping on all these pedals and pressing buttons; he's a freaking one man band! Well, "Inspector Gadget" (Howard's name for him) does his whole act (not set!) this way. Lots of reverb, echoes, beats, choral add-ons... yeah...

Going for a dump in the snow

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So, how long have you been waiting for a leap year to do that entry on Pigdump?


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Oh, that's nice, Trish.

Oh man!

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I was trying to figure out why Price Chopper always makes me think of Steely Dan...

They play it as their Muzak. How sad is that? Oh well, I get to hear the new songs whenever I get my eatables :)

Another holiday, eh?


So, another holiday weekend coming up, and arriving early, no less. And where am I? Stuck in the Pdot. So while you're all enjoying your lamb dinner, I hope you'll think of me and my sumptuous meal of kraft dinner, french fries, and oh boy, canned peaches. You owe me some Broccoli casserole, dagnabbit!

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